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Affiliate Links
Have you noticed we don’t have an affiliate disclosure policy anywhere on our website? That’s because, at this time, we are not affiliates of any of the products we endorse. So, when you click one of our links and purchase a product, we do not receive any portion of that revenue. However, this doesn’t change how much we believe in every product we share with you.
While we don’t get a commission from any of our products at this point, we 100% do believe in them and will never recommend a product for you we do not personally believe in and back. The more our readership grows, the more we intend to pursue affiliate partnerships. As soon as that is the case, we will update all our posts and website with the appropriate disclosures as well as let our lovely, loyal readers (you!) know all about the changes.
New Posts
We post twice a week, but the days vary based on the availability of our writers. Please sign up for our newsletter if you want to make sure you don’t miss our newest material. We send out weekly newsletters with a sneak peak on the topic of our blogs for the week. We only provide the material you signed up for and we never will spam you (we know how annoying that is).
Stay Updated
You can find us on Pinterest, where we post all our new material weekly, so you’ll never miss our newest blog post. Follow us @knockofftherapy on Pinterest to take us with you and find our posts wherever you go.
Guest Blogging
If you are interested in writing a guest blog for Knockoff Therapy, please submit a message through this form. While we cannot compensate you financially at this time, we will be more than happy to provide a backlink and small bio.
In order to considered for a guest blog, please include a brief synopsis of the blog you’d like to publish on Knockoff Therapy and any previous work you have done. You may include links or documents to previous blogs. Please keep in mind that, at Knockoff Therapy, we do not equate previous publications to experience. So, if you have never written for a blog before, you are still welcome to submit other blogs you have written that fit within Knockoff Therapy’s values and style.
Featured Blog
Do you read this blog and wish we discussed something we haven’t covered yet? Please leave us a note using this form with and let us know what you’d like to see covered in a future blog post. Please note requesting a topic does not mean that it will appear on the blog. All posts must align with mental health, as is core to blog values. However, we’d love to hear from you and what our readers and most interested in hearing. So, please reach out with your topic or question.