This post is all about healthy love quotes.
People are what makes life feel good and full while also making life terrifying. When you have people you love, you’re vulnerable. You can lose them, they can hurt you, and you suddenly become accountable for being present in other people’s lives.
Healthy love, in this way, also means that you get to experience life with people that you absolutely love to be around. They make your life better and more fun.
Still, with all of the stress and anxiety that can come with loving people, we all need reminders that healthy love is worth it. So, check out these eleven healthy love quotes with us.
This post is all about healthy love quotes.
1. “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” – Audrey Hepburn
We deal with a lot of stress and anxiety. From making enough money to pay our rent and grocery bills to taking care of our basic needs on a daily basis, we have a lot to think about.
It makes total sense that we’d be stressed out and anxious. This is when we have to remember that the people in our lives are what make our lives so much richer. Whether your family is next door or hundreds of miles away, hold onto them.
Reach out, call them, text them. It’s never just on you to keep your relationship healthy and active, but you can make a difference. So, remember to hold onto your loved ones.
2. “Love is not about possession. It’s about appreciation.” – Khalil Gibran
It’s normal to find quirks in the people you love. Whether it’s your partner or your sister, there are things you wish you could change about them. They have things they wish they could change about you too.
But, that’s not what a relationship is about. Instead of loving someone for the person you think they should be, you need to learn to love them for the person they are.
This is also a good time to think about how people love you. If you notice someone in your life saying they love you while they want to change everything about you, then maybe it’s time to ask yourself if they really love you.
3. “To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” – Oscar Wilde
As much as we talk about healthy love with others, it’s just as important to think about healthy love with yourself. Ideally, we’d all have beautiful, loving relationships everywhere in our lives and loving ourselves would be a nice bonus.
But, that’s not always the case. The people in our lives aren’t perfect, so their love isn’t perfect, which is why we have to love ourselves first.
It’s totally fine to grow into it and to work on loving yourself a little more everyday. You can stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself that you love you until it’s the truth.
There’s nothing wrong with being in healthy relationships while you learn to develop a healthy relationship with yourself. But, at the same time, you need to be doing the work to love yourself so that the relationships that surround you are as beautiful as you deserve them to be.
4. “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.” – Nat King Cole
We often put love on a high pedestal like it’s the best thing we can ever accomplish. And there’s reason for that. It’s the thing that makes us feel the most alive because we get to experience something outside of ourselves all the time.
It’s one feeling to love someone. It’s a completely different feeling for us to feel loved by someone else, especially when we feel that love goes both ways. That’s why these healthy love quotes are going to get you feeling better about love.
So, in a lot of ways, we can make love uncomplicated by learning how to love other people and learn how to accept the feeling of love that they give us. Be kind to yourself as you develop new relationships with people who show you love in different ways than you expect.
5. “Love is not finding someone to live with; it’s finding someone you can’t imagine living without.” – Rafael Ortiz
Whether you’re talking about partner love or you’re talking platonic love, you’ll have these people in your life for the long haul. You’ll grow, reach new milestones, and get stressed out in your current relationships.
They’ll see a lot of you and you’ll see a lot of them. There’s no getting around that if you want to develop strong, deep relationships with people. That’s also why you need to find people who make your life better, people who challenge your perspective and have fun with you.
Keep the people who make your life unbelievable, who give you energy, and who make you wonder how you’d function without them.
6. “Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.” – James Baldwin
When we interact with the world around us, we’re rarely vulnerable from the start. We avoid showing our quirks and true personality from the get-go because it could leave us feeling hurt and rejected.
Healthy love changes all of that. This means we find relationships that make us feel at home. We feel safe to be ourselves and to live authentically. Once we find these types of relationships, we can’t go back.
No matter what version of ourselves we show to the world, we know that’s not us. We can’t hide what our true selves all the time. In other words, we have to find someone who gets us and lets us be us. We need to celebrated for who we really are and that’s what healthy love can do for us.
7. “The giving of love is an education in itself.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
Whether you’re in a relationship for one week or one decade, you will continue learning how to better love the other person. Not only do you grow, but so do they. Everything you learn will continue changing as the both of you change.
So, keep learning. Check in with them to make sure they feel your love. The longer you stay in each other’s lives, the more their needs will change. The only thing that should stay the same is your level of communication with them.
8. “Love doesn’t make the world go ’round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” – Franklin P. Jones
This is the most basic, human truth you can find. No one needs love to exist like they need water or food, but it definitely makes everything else feel worth it.
Take care of the relationships that matter to you and create new ones. Not every relationship you create will last years and that’s okay. Some relationships are meant to serve you for a day or week or month.
Healthy love should make you want to experience more of the world and stay in it long enough to feel more of it. So, no, love is not something you need to survive, but it is the thing that makes you want to survive.
9. “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” – Lao Tzu
There’s something about love that makes it uplifting, as vulnerable as you can get when loving someone. You can feel less alone and that’s powerful on its own.
When you love someone, you can see the good in something other than yourself. Sometimes, you can’t even see the good in yourself or your own life, but you can see the good in another person and that’s enough reason to have courage.
You get brave when love someone because you realize there’s a reason to take risks and try new things. Loving someone and feeling that reciprocated shows you how much possibility exists in the world when you put yourself out there.
10. “Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone; it has to be made, like bread, remade all the time, made new.” – Ursula K. Le Guin
Healthy love needs care and attention. Love can exist randomly and without much effort, but it doesn’t last forever like that. The closer you are to someone and the more love you share, the more effort you have to put into to staying present.
The moment you try and let that stop intentionally loving someone, you’ve lost it. Anyone can stay in a relationship for years without loving the other person. You can talk about topics that don’t get too deep and you can sleep in the same bed, but that’s not the love you deserve.
You deserve a companion who chooses you as much as you choose them on a daily basis. Keep choosing each other and keep reminding yourself that love takes work.
11. “Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to imprison it, it enslaves us. When we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused.” – Paulo Coelho
There’s no secret to love. It looks different for everyone and not everyone needs it to the same extent in their life as others do. Maybe some people just want a pet who cuddles with them and a TV show that makes them feel something.
Others might want a stadium of adoring fans to scream the lyrics to their number one song. There’s no reason to force love into a box. All that matters is that we continue understanding what it means for us and the people in our lives.
We need to love better and help other people love us better.